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30 December 2007

Forget about the FBI...

The Fiberals would send in their crack investigative team... from the CBC...
Liberal MP Jim Karygiannis, who also attended the ceremony in Toronto, said the various reports surrounding Ms. Bhutto's death are sufficient for Canada to push the United Nations or the Commonwealth to launch an international inquiry into the matter.

“I mean you've got the government saying one thing and you see other things in the news.”
Oh, man... it's so confusing.


RELATED: Hey, Jim... here's a few other things.
The expansion of Pakistan’s own militants, with their fortified links to Al Qaeda, presents a deeply troubling development for the Bush administration and its efforts to stabilize this volatile nuclear-armed country.

It is also one that many in Pakistan have been loath to admit, but that Ms. Bhutto had begun to acknowledge in her many public statements about the greatest threat to her country being in religious extremism and terrorism.
Of course, in fairness to the Liberal's own Sherlock Holmes... the militants have denied that they had anything to do with Bhutto's assassination...
“Neither Baitullah Mehsud nor any of his associates were involved in the assassination of Benazir, because raising your hand against women is against our tribal values and customs.”
Well... that settles that.


LAST WORD: Speaking of martyrdom... and the CBC
"We accept that you are not the only, or even the first, Canadian political party to use CBC News as a whipping boy for fundraising purposes."