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27 December 2007

A dignified, intellectual Opposition

Meet the man who thinks he should replace Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf.
Mr. Sharif arrived at the hospital and sat silently next to Ms. Bhutto's body.

“Benazir Bhutto was also my sister, and I will be with you to take the revenge for her death,” he said. “Don't feel alone. I am with you. We will take the revenge on the rulers.”

He rebutted suggestions that he could gain political capital from her demise, announcing his Muslim League-N party would boycott the elections and demanding that Mr. Musharraf resign.

“The holding of fair and free elections is not possible in the presence of Pervez Musharraf,” he said.

“Musharraf is the cause of all the problems."
C'mon, Nawaz... seriously?

You don't think "taking the revenge"... figures into the equation anywhere here?

Oh well... carry on.
