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12 December 2007

Did anybody else see Iggy...

Do his fake rage thing... demanding to know where Stephen Harper got his nuclear engineering degree?

It had to be the lamest piece of political theatre I've seen in a very long time...
The Liberals had threatened to refuse to give the bill the unanimous support necessary to bypass the legislative process.
Yeah, just like they were gonna vote down the budget... in their dreams.

I can't imagine what sort of points these guys thought they were gonna score... with their threatened "let's block diagnostic tests for cancer patients" strategy.
But in an unusual sitting of the House of Commons Tuesday evening, all of the political parties agreed to fast-track the legislation through the House and Senate.

Another shining triumph for Steffi and the fiberals.


"I saw Ignatieff yestrday on CTV stating that HE was not going to sign off on this unless it was proven safe and passed muster."

"Then he corrected himself and stated something along the lines of the leader of the Party doing so."
By the way, what did the Green Party have to say about all this and did they vote for cancer patients or protection against earthquakes?

RELATED: The Dippers want in...

Nothing like screwing with a tax cut to improve your poll numbers.
-- OTTAWA -- Canadian shoppers may not get the benefit of the GST cut to 5 per cent on Jan. 1 if the implementation bill containing the measure is stalled by opposition stalling tactics, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said Tuesday.

Apparently frustrated by the continuing debate over the measure, mostly headed by the NDP, the finance minister told reporters after question period that the Jan. 1 date for cutting the GST from 6 per cent to 5 per cent was in jeopardy.