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15 December 2007

The Big Chill

Now what?

If I write about censorship will the censors censor that? All in all it’s much safer to write about daisies. Such pretty flowers. Daisies. White, purple, yellow, pink. So pretty.

And freedom of speech may soon be pushing them up in this country.

RELATED: Salim Mansur speaks up
Then there are Muslim organizations -- such as the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC) -- in free societies such as Canada. Their deafening silence in condemning Muslim violence against Muslims and non-Muslims alike is revealing of their true nature.

These are front organizations for global radical Islamism making apologies for their ideological brethren, and directing polemics against the West for victimizing Muslims and undermining Islam.

Moreover, they are fraudulent in their claims of representing Muslims in general as the CIC does. The fact is, on the contrary, most Muslims in Canada and elsewhere in the West left their native lands to escape from unmitigated cruelty, heartlessness and hypocrisy of Muslim rulers and religious leaders.
(via SDA)


LAST WORD: And then there's this...
"We don't hear things like, all B.C. farmers should hang their heads in shame or that this is a great day of shame for white Canadian farmers across the nation, or that perhaps if we ban farming, these tragedies would never happen."
Which unfortunately, doesn't quite pass either the sniff... or the logic... test.
Dr. Amita Handa may want to consider the obvious fact -- obvious, that is, to anyone who hasn't had their brains drycleaned by the post-modern university system -- that the reason "you don't hear anyone talking" about "banning farming" after the Robert Pickton trial is because the tenets of pig farming do not encourage one to feed human flesh to pigs.