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17 December 2007

Belleville's own answer...

To Howard Stern... CJBQ - 800am - The Lorne Brooker Show...

Poor ol' Lorne isn't having much luck stirring up public outrage over the unwillingness of doctors in the Quinte Healthcare area to perform abortions... so he's decided to go for a softer target...Brian Mulroney.

I thought I'd give Lorne a little feedback...

where do you get off passing public judgement on brian mulroney?

not that i'm gonna defend anyone taking bags of cash for dubious purposes... but doesn't brian mulroney at least deserve the same sort of judicial process and protections as pig farmer cum homicidal maniac willie picton?


neo conservative
The answer I received over the airways was something like, "He's not guilty of anything... he's just a horrible liar"... which mostly sounds like a possible libel defense.

You've just gotta love how Lorne winds it all up...
"He's guilty of being Brian Mulroney... which some people might consider a crime in itself."
Good grief.


UPDATE: Whew... that's a relief

Lorne has just announced on air that he isn't pleased with my pseudonymous communication (he's calling it a nasty email)... and by gawd, he wants names...
"It's not like I'm gonna send CSIS after him."
Geez, Lorne... you're the guy that chose to read the email out over the radio... it's not I was gonna send Luc Lavoie after you.


Alrighty... looks like we're back onto the deplorable lack of abortions in the Quinte Healthcare area.
LB: "What would happen if a woman came in and needed an "emergency abortion"?
Well, Lorne, call me crazy... but I'm pretty sure the answer isn't...
"A group of doctors would stand around and watch her die."

RELATED: Speaking of lefty outrage...
Whatever happened to Marion Boyd?
(via FFOF)

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