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12 December 2007

Army of the suddenly politically correct...

Refocuses attention on "Broad Strata Daughter Strangling" issue plaguing Canadian society...
"The strangulation death of Ms. Parvez was the result of domestic violence, a problem that cuts across Canadian society and is blind to color or creed."
Maybe times are changing... but I remember my sisters being grounded, not strangled... for this sort of thing.

RELATED: "Broad Strata" of society... That sounds so familiar.
We now cross live to the set of CSI Toronto, where filming is underway: * Sgt. Warren Bollard: (staring in bewilderment at an intricate graph) "I just can’t find any common denominator!" "It seems as though these 17 men and teens have absolutely no point of commonality at all!"
UPDATE: A voice in the wilderness Tarek Fatah... 

and I've said this before... is a very brave man.
"In my mind this was an honour killing," Tarek Fatah the founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, says adamantly about what he calls a blight on Islam. Make no mistake, says Fatah: "This has happened before" and will again.
Fatah says these murders have been covered up. "Sometimes they involve a balcony and they say it's suicide and other times they just don't find the body."