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16 December 2007

Another horrendous outbreak...

Of foot-in-mouth disease in the Canadian Muslim community...
"Presently, what Israeli forces are doing to Palestinians is worse than the Holocaust of World War II."
Oh crap... here we go again.


RELATED: Well... no mincing words here either...
At least 300,000 people have turned out in Gaza City for a rally to mark 20 years since Hamas was founded. Waving green flags and banners, crowds of Palestinian men, women and children filled a large square for the event.

In a defiant website statement, Hamas's leader in exile, Khaled Mashaal, vowed the group would not renounce violence.

LAST WORD: Ayatollah, my ass...

Kids will be kids... if you let them.
-- TEHRAN -- Iranian police have closed down 24 Internet cafés and other coffee shops in as many hours, detaining 23 people, as part of a broad crackdown on “immoral behaviour” in the Islamic state, official media said on Sunday.

Sarkari told the official IRNA news agency that police had inspected 435 coffee shops in the past 24 hours, and 170 had been warned.

The report did not make clear whether they were all Internet cafés, which have mushroomed in Iran over the past few years and are popular especially among young people.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say... given the choice... kids would choose high speed internet over suicide bombing... 99% of the time.

Go figure.