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12 November 2007

Why blame the triggerman...

When you can simply point fingers at the cops...
Pieters said yesterday the province failed to protect a Crown witness who testified against his accused killer after intervening in a swarming and saving a friend's life.

He said Latchana, also known as O.G., was not a Crips member and challenges Peel investigators to prove their claims.
So Selwyn... everybody in "the community" knew this guy was gonna be killed... but the cops hung him out to dry?

How do you know that?
Pieters said the threats to kill Latchana were publicly made in two songs accusing the victim of being a snitch.

One song said, "don't let me catch you 'cause those guns will spark ... I will find you after dark, I don't give a fuck man, 'cause the time is soft."

"I'll murder everybody in your family tree."
Ah yes... the healing power of hip-hop.

Now, call me wacky... but if I'm the acknowledged target of "a gang vendetta"... which Selwyn claims everybody and their dog knew about... I'm thinkin' spending all night gettin' wasted at the local boozecan might be a pretty dumb idea.

Of course, if Selwyn is suggesting that police should arrest ANY rapper who uses violent or abusive lyrics in their work... we've got a whole new ball game here.



UPDATE: Peel Police respond to accusations
Peel Police insisted today that investigators never knew that David Lachana, who was shot dead Nov. 3, was marked for death.

The force is also standing by its claims that Lachana's death was gang-related and that the young man was involved with the notorious Crips gang.

LAST WORD: Toronto Star eulogises O'Neil Grant
-- KINGSTON, Jamaica -- Nothing was stolen. Police say the killing looks like a targeted hit.

"He was wanted and they came and got him," says Det. Robert Thompson, who is investigating the case, adding he has no idea who wanted Grant dead or why.

Most puzzling to Thompson was the Toronto Star's interest in the killing. This, after all, is a country where this year some 1,200 people have so far been killed – 80 per cent of them with guns.
Strangely enough... there's a "blame the cops, not the killer" theme here as well.
Det. Thompson says "it's only a matter of time" before Grant's murderer is arrested. Grant's friends dismiss that as fodder for foreign consumption. They fear police are more interested in keeping Grant's belongings than solving the crime.
Yeah... that makes sense.

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