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13 November 2007

We're Number One... we're Number...

These statistics are actually from the United States... but I can't imagine Canada is too far behind.
-- ATLANTA -- More than 1 million cases of chlamydia were reported in the United States last year — the most ever reported for a sexually transmitted disease, federal health officials said Tuesday.

"A new U.S. record," said Dr. John M. Douglas Jr. of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Good work people! Let's keep that mindless, unprotected promiscuity ball rolling.

Remember, the single most important thing to consider here is your personal pleasure.

Responsibility is for all those old, uptight conservatives.
More bad news: Gonorrhea rates are jumping again after hitting a record low, and an increasing number of cases are caused by a "superbug" version resistant to common antibiotics, federal officials said Tuesday.

Syphilis is rising, too. The rate of congenital syphilis — which can deform or kill babies — rose for the first time in 15 years.
Gimme, gimme, gimme... the mantra of the loony left.


RELATED: How exactly does this work?

Do you drop your, uh... goods off at the recycling center?
-- BEIJING (AFP) -- Used condoms are being recycled into hair bands in southern China, threatening to spread sexually-transmittable diseases they were originally meant to prevent, state media reported Tuesday.
(via DMB)

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