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19 November 2007

Welcome Back Khadr

Poor defenseless little Omar Khadr is back in the news...
CBS News has broadcast shocking new footage of a Canadian terrorism suspect allegedly building bomb timers and planting land mines while he was a 15-year-old militant hoping to take on American soldiers in Afghanistan.

Beyond the new footage, the 12-minute 60 Minutes piece contained few surprises for Canadians who have been following the case for years.

There are more remarks from fundamentalist Islamist Khadr family, whose televised statements will once again do little to build public support for the groups and politicians who are arguing that Canada should adopt a principled stance and lobby to repatriate Mr. Khadr from Guantanamo Bay.
And hey... there's Omar's baby brother, Humpty... you know, the one the Canadian taxpayers paid to put back together again.
Omar's younger brother Karim was also shown in the piece. The footage was shot in 2004, just weeks after he returned to Canada from Pakistan. He survived, but was paralyzed by the deadly battle that killed his father.

In that footage, a 14-year-old Karim Khadr talks about how he wanted to become a martyr so he could be doted on in the afterlife by dozens of fragrant-smelling virgins.

He adds that he expected that Omar would want to resume battles against Americans when he gets out of Guantanamo Bay. “When he's all right again he'll find them again … and take his revenge.”
Isn't that special.

I sure hope Steffi and the Fiberals can bring Omar back to Toronto real soon... it's the least we can do for him.


UPDATE: Khadr lawyer pitches hissy fit
-- TORONTO -- The lawyer of detained Canadian terror suspect Omar Khadr says it's outrageous that CBS News has broadcast a tape of his client allegedly building explosives.
Yeah... having video of his terrorist client building bombs is really gonna slash those billable hours.

It's just not fair.

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