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05 November 2007

Toronto's Terror Connection

Look, Ravi... you go ahead and fight your war... just don't be bringin' it to my backyard.
-- MARKHAM -- Cars lined the suburban street. Shoes covered the front porch. Hundreds of mourners dropped by the Markham home of S.P. Thamilselvan's family this weekend to pay their respects following his sudden death.

The man they came to honour was the second-in-command of the Tamil Tigers, the Sri Lankan guerrilla group outlawed by Canada as a terrorist organization. He was killed on Friday morning in an air strike on a rebel base in Sri Lanka.

"Thousands of people are coming because everybody liked him," said his brother, Ravi Paramu. He, another brother, their mother and sister live in Canada.
Just because the vote hungry, ass-kissin' fiberals were willing to kiss up to your terrorist lovin' asses... doesn't mean you're gonna get an endless ride on the "diversity train."

There's a new sheriff in town.


UPDATE: Can't get enough of their love
The report also says that in addition to political lobbying, behind the scenes the Tigers use more unsavory methods to advance their cause in Canada.

"The LTTE's responses to external criticism and internal dissent have included beatings, death threats and smear campaigns in Canada and elsewhere, and specific and non-specific threats of harm against Canadian citizens and residents, their businesses and possessions, and their relatives in Sri Lanka," the report says.

Martin Collacott, a former Canadian high commissioner to Sri Lanka and a senior fellow at the Fraser Institute, said the Tigers are clearly trying to influence MPs.

"It is apparent that there is lobbying going on, and probably increasing lobbying," he said.

"I'm hardly surprised, and the mere fact that they're operating so openly suggests that our effectiveness in dealing with terrorists and their supporters is still pretty limited."

RELATED: The Broom weighs in


LAST WORD: The Liberal terrorist connection

Selling their souls for votes
-- MARKHAM -- Thousands of people, including several local MPs, huddled together last night in the rain to honour the assassinated political head of the Tamil Tigers, a group outlawed by Canada as a terrorist organization.

Local Liberal MPs took the stage, beside a large image of Mr. Thamilselvan projected on to the side of a white tent, and called on the federal government to intervene in the conflict.

"I'm there not to take sides," John McKay, Liberal MP for Scarborough-Guildwood.

Also present were Jim Karygiannis, Liberal MP for Scarborough-Agincourt and Borys Wrzesnewskyj, the Liberal MP representing Etobicoke-Centre and MP Maria Minna who was presented with the President’s Award of the Canada-Sri Lanka Business Council at a gala dinner attended by more than 400 members of Toronto’s Sri Lankan community in December 2006.

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