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22 November 2007

Thank goodness for the CTV...

If it wasn't for Lloyd and Bobblehead at CTV... that scary Stephen Harper would have slipped another one past us.
The Conservative government has announced the creation of a 10-million hectare national park and wildlife sanctuary -- an area roughly twice as large as Nova Scotia.

"Truly, a gigantic conservation initiative, not just in Canadian history but indeed around the world," said Environment Minister John Baird, who made the announcement during a news conference in Ottawa on Wednesday.

The designation would protect the massive swath of the boreal forest from diamond and uranium mining in the region that threatens to encroach on the area, would ban sales and leases of property and put new limits on hunting in the area.

Native leaders and environmentalists have applauded the news.
It's curiously absent from their on-line article... but it seems not everyone saw this as a good news story.

On the 11:00 pm television segment on the CTV News... uber-correspondent Bob Fife let us in on the dark side of this development... apparently Prime Minister Harper only did this to cover up his failure to implement Y2Kyoto.

I just about fell outta my chair.

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