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19 November 2007

Steffi better bring his raincoat...

Seems there's a hard rain comin'.
-- OTTAWA -- The federal Conservatives will launch a flurry of law-and-order anti-crime legislation next week to crack down on illegal drug use, identity theft and young offenders.

The Tories are also expected to introduce a bill to toughen penalties for youth crime and give police greater powers to detain alleged young offenders.
I'm lovin' this... use a gun -- you're done.
Critics expect the legislation would see youths accused of serious or violent offences, as well as repeat offenders, automatically transferred to adult court.

The minister also indicated the legislation will make it more difficult for youths accused of crimes to get out on bail and toughen sentences for youth gun crimes and auto thefts.

RELATED: Yessir... there's new Sheriff in town
One of the changes Mr. Nicholson plans is to reduce the credit given to convicted criminals for time spent in custody awaiting trial. Many judges now give them double credit, which often means they serve significantly less than their original sentence.

He also agreed to propose changes to the Criminal Code to make every gang-related homicide qualify for a first-degree murder charge, not second-degree murder or manslaughter - a measure requested by British Columbia and other provinces.