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18 November 2007

Snowboarders Guide

To the galaxy... he thinks...
Garrett Lisi is widely recognized as a thoughtful physicist. But unlike most, he has no longstanding university or research affiliation. He surfs. Snowboards in the winter. Scrapes together cash, and in between, has published a paper that outlines a new universal theory of everything.
This kind of stuff just blows me away... I tried to follow the argument laid out here and gave myself a headache. These guys lose me when they start naming a gazillion different particles and theorising about bending gravity in 8 dimensions.
He's convinced he has found what amounts to the field's Holy Grail: a way to explain all physical forces, including gravity, as different manifestations of the same underlying principle.

So stay tuned – if the surfer's theory turn out to be even partially descriptive of the world, a story to rival Einstein's will enter physics history.
I have to go rest my puny brain.


"Once again, neo goes off without doing any real research, and as usual he tries to subtely(sic) shoehorn his particular ideology in with his factoids - in this case, we get another heaping serving of the typical right-wing anti-university/anti-intellectual slop."