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02 November 2007

"Prepare to be underwhelmed"

As much as Stoogeleft and the resident pinkos at the Toronto Star would like this to be a KKKonspiracy being run out of the PMO... as Aaron Lee Wudrick explains... the truth is somewhat more prosaic.
First of all, Warner is a really friendly guy, and clearly his resume is second to none. The reason for his removal appears to be in line with his initial statement that it was about “strategic and tactical differences”. Apparently, Warner thought he could actually win Toronto Centre.
Thus Warner's strategy consisted of promising anybody in the riding any old thing they wanted... regardless of the political consequences... and that, obviously, is a non-starter.
If anything, it’s totally dishonest, since it’s promising things you can’t deliver. And if a candidate wants that kind of latitude, there’s an easy way to get it: run as an independent.

You can’t derive the benefit of the party name and freelance at the same time.

This is particularly true in a by-election campaign. Bottom line: since the Tories are going to lose Toronto Centre anyway, why lose twice by having a candidate who’s going to misrepresent the party’s positions on X, Y and Z?
Of course, the fact that Warner was apparently immediately willing to pledge his troth to Bob Rae tells you he was a fair-weather Conservative anyway.

And that should be the end of that.

But that ain't gonna happen. The leftbots are obviously gearing up to give Canadians the "Full Sharpton."

Good grief.

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