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16 November 2007

Ok, that's part one

Now... when will the Fiberal Party start to pay us back our two billion dollars?
-- OTTAWA -- The Harper government has reintroduced a bill to kill the controversial registry for rifles and shotguns.

Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day says the bill means that retailers will still have to record sales of long guns, but individuals won't have to register them.
I can't wait for all the moonbats to start caterwauling about the sky falling in on Canadians... but you know what you're gonna see as a result here?

Absolutely nothing... because farmer, hunters and target shooters aren't the ones doing the killing.

In any case...
People will still need a firearms licence to buy rifles and shotguns.

RELATED: Now... here's what the Toronto Star...
Says is going to happen

LAST WORD: And furthermore, you can keep...
Your wine-sniffin', limousine liberal, red-meat slurrin' vegan hypocrisy all to yourself.
Or try sellin' it to the dopes who lined up all week... for a chance at a million dollar condo at Yonge & Bloor.