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26 November 2007

No sense, no pain

Fresh off his disastrous "No gun, No Funeral" debacle... newly demoted ex-Attorney General Michael "Sisyphus" Bryant has now been condemned by the Emperor McSlippery, to ceaselessly roll the insurmountable rock of aboriginal demands to the top of the Caledonian mountain.

And you don't have to be a student of the classics to know that, so far... this particular boulder just keeps on rolling back down the consultant-littered hill.
"I want to hear from people," the minister told The Spectator in an exclusive interview. " I certainly don't think that the local problems are going to be solved from Queen's Park."
Yeah, no kidding, huh Mikey? I think your predecessor David Ramsay, over the last couple of years, has proved that thesis pretty thoroughly.

So what do the citizens of Caledonia have to say?
Nolda Hoekert, 52, and her son J.J., 24, were surprised when the minister joined them at their table in the Tim Hortons.

They told him the government has to resolve the dispute, and they also want him to do something about "two-tier justice" -- the belief natives and non-natives are being treated differently by the OPP.
This has been the biggest hurdle in the process to date... so we're not exactly talking startling revelation here.

The less-than-elegant McGuinty brokered solution, thus far, has consisted mostly of Liberal politicians... bending over and grabbing their ankles.

But, to his credit, Bryant at least has the balls to show up and take some of the fiberal-generated heat.
Premier Dalton McGuinty had been under fire for not visiting Caledonia. Bryant's predecessor David Ramsay also did not visit, although Conservative leader John Tory made more than half a dozen visits.
Let's see if the Liberals will actually start to do something here.


RELATED: A small town being slowly strangled
Haldimand County Mayor Marie Trainer has said town residents living with the ongoing occupation won't feel safe until Six Nations protesters leave the disputed land.

Although Caledonia was one of the fastest growing towns in Ontario, Ms. Trainer said virtually no building permits have been issued in the last two years.
And Dalton McGuinty just stood and watched.

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