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19 November 2007

No chakras or healing crystals here

Guess what, progressive dipshits... sometimes the answer isn't "blowin' in the wind."
-- Sangisar, Afghanistan -- The gunfire started at sunrise Saturday and continued until noon. It was a bitter fight on both sides.
As insensitive as this may sound to Steffi, Gilles and Taliban Jack... sometimes you gotta call in tough, courageous warriors... to break stuff and kill people.
The Taliban resorted to using children as human shields, according to soldiers who witnessed the tactic, and the encircled Canadians called in artillery and air strikes so close to their own positions that a soldier suffered shrapnel wounds from friendly fire.

“Why Sangisar?” Major Moffet said. “It was a node for the Taliban."

"Now it's ours.”

UPDATE: Meanwhile, back at home...

Jacko and Steffi go to bat for the troops... uh, wait a minute... the Taliban?
"Opposition parties hammered the Conservative government over allegations of detainee abuse Tuesday, accusing the Conservatives of doing nothing for months while being fully aware that torture was taking place in Afghan prisons."
So, unless I'm missing something here... Frick and Frack are defending the guys who are shooting at our soldiers... and using children as human shields?

The inmates are truly running the asylum.

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