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25 November 2007

Left still cherrypicking their martyrs

While the usual suspects mount an anti-cop protest at Queens Park... this man's death just slips under the leftbot radar...
An autopsy has determined that an elderly Edmonton man was beaten to death in what police are calling a cowardly attack.

William Kapach, 65, was found lying on an inner-city sidewalk Saturday morning in a pool of blood. He was taken off life-support on Thursday.
I guess actual victims of crime just aren't sexy enough for the lunatic left.


UPDATE: Celebrating voyeurism and apathy
"More than 1,000 people chanted 'Thank you, Paul,' as Paul Pritchard spoke to the rally yesterday, about how he came to record the last moments of Dziekanski's life."
You notice, of course, ol' Paul didn't actually step in and help this guy... he merely filmed his death throes.

And the left acquires yet another hero.


RELATED: Just a cattle-car moment
"All sorts of demands for action are floating around, but most of them seem to have sluiced down the easiest channel, which is to blame the tasers, and talk endlessly about voltage and amps and scientific studies."
(via FFOF)


"On the way to their favorite Elgin Street Bistro three parliamentarians witness a brutal murder..."


"I think the real reason the left doesn't like Tazers is that it identifies with criminal behaviour. They are afraid THEY will get Tazered in some anti-globalization, pro-Palestinian, Pro-Hezbollah, anti-Capitalism, pro-Chavez, anti-war, pro-environmental riot."

LAST WORD: Once again, a very special welcome...

To readers of infantile, foul mouthed, proggie brown-noser "Canadian Cecilia"
Make sure you check out his greatest hits.

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