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23 November 2007

Latest breathtaking Liberal brainwave

We've got to stop that scary, hidden Stephen Harper... before he cuts everybody's taxes... yet again...

"We're going to go before the budget," one Quebec Liberal said.

"The budget will be full of candy for everybody. He's going to have money for seniors, for youth, for everybody."

"If you [wait and] go on the budget, then it means you're opposing tax cuts, money for all those people, and the campaign will be on that."
Once again, the Liberal Party of Canada illustrates the potential pitfalls of creating economic policy with a "ouija board."

I'm just pondering... if they have to defibrillate John McCallum every time some fiberal wunderkind comes up with one of these oinkers.



RELATED: Denis Khadr comes over to the dark side

As the Conservatives blow a "no brainer".
Since June 2000, almost half of Canada's soldiers have been receiving a bump in their monthly salary -- the posting's living differential -- for living and working in cities with a high cost of living.

However, the Tory government will put a halt to the payments for soldiers in places such as Toronto and Ottawa.

"It might have an impact on their morale," added Liberal defence critic Denis Coderre.
Sorta like those 13 years of total Liberal neglect, huh Denis?

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