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03 November 2007

It felt so good...

They thought they'd smoke him again.
-- MIRANSHAH, Pakistan -- A missile strike on a pro-Taliban camp in Pakistan's tribal belt killed 10 people yesterday.

Residents said drones flew over Danday Darpakhel before two missiles hit, one of which destroyed a house formerly owned by Mullah Dadullah, a Taliban commander killed in Afghanistan in May.
Gives a whole new meaning to the term, "crash pad."


RELATED: And speaking of Afghanistan...
For whatever it is worth, nobody I talked to in Afghanistan wants coalition forces in general, or Canadian forces in particular, to leave any time soon.

This was true of the soldiers themselves, of their colleagues from other countries, of ordinary Afghans like the villagers of Morad Khan Kalay, of the country's minister of the interior and of opposition politicians who think the Interior Ministry is the worst in the Afghan government.
(via daimnation)

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