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15 November 2007

Is the Schreiber story changing?

CTV is now saying...
Meanwhile, recent court documents filed by Schreiber here in Canada alleged that he paid former prime minister Brian Mulroney $300,000 in cash payments shortly after Mulroney left office.
I thought the big bang in this sordid tale was that money allegedly changed hands before Mulroney left office.

Is Schreiber OR CTV now climbing down from that aspect of the story?



Here's the deal Karl... the only thing you're currently in charge of... is your bowel movements.

You're just the dumbass in the orange jumpsuit on the monkey side of the bars.
-- OTTAWA, TORONTO -- The man at the centre of allegations against former prime minister Brian Mulroney, Karlheinz Schreiber, served notice yesterday he would not co-operate with a public inquiry if he were extradited to Germany.

"Not one fucking word would I say," Mr. Schreiber said from the Toronto West Detention Centre. "Not one word," he repeated.

"Why would I care about the country any more? ... Why would I care any longer?"
The only thing thing this master manipulator cares about, is avoiding extradition to Germany... but I think he just overplayed his hand.

This probably would have worked on Steffi... but Stephen Harper is made of sterner stuff.


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