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14 November 2007

Inspector Clouseau strikes again

From the "How not to conduct an Investigation" handbook.
-- OTTAWA -- The public inquiry into the Air India bombing heard a dramatic story Wednesday from a key former Canadian spy, who criticized the RCMP for the way in which he was forced to give up his most promising source in the Sikh community.
Sounds like this whole thing was doomed from day one.
But Mr. Eshleman told a public inquiry that the promising relationship ended abruptly through the actions of the RCMP.

The police force demanded that CSIS sever ties with the man. Then two officers showed up at the man's doorstep, flashing their badges, demanding answers on the spot.

Documents from the two RCMP officers who surprised Mr. A at his home, where he was living with others, acknowledge: “We got off on wrong foot.”

RELATED: Take a read through the book
Salim Jiwa's first book, Death Of Air India Flight 182, was written just eight months after the disaster.

Now you can read it online for free.

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