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03 November 2007

I think I'll just have some of...

Whatever David McGuinty's smoking...
“I think that this indicates that they are very, very worried about Mr. Dion."

"They are very worried that when Mr. Dion gets an unfettered opportunity to speak to Canadians in an ultimate election, they're worried – and their polls must show – that he's got great capacity for growth.”
Well, David... that last part is certainly true.

He's got nowhere to go but up.


RELATED: The Prime Minister, meanwhile...

Is too busy getting things done to worry about all the Fiberal whining and blustering.
"I remind people that although this is a minority Parliament where the Liberals, the Bloc and the NDP hold most of the seats together, the fact is all they do is criticize," Mr. Harper said in a campaign-style speech to local Conservatives in Yarmouth, N.S.

"And as a consequence, all of the accomplishments of the 39th Parliament have been Conservative."

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