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02 November 2007

How government really works

Even though everyone was obviously aware they had a huge, societal shithammer looming here... the politicians apparently needed another human sacrifice... before they could bring themselves to take action.
The Italian government has given local authorities the power to expel European Union citizens who pose a threat to public security. The government action follows the rape and murder of an Italian woman by a Romanian national near a gypsy camp in Rome. Sabina Castelfranco reports from Rome.
I don't even want to try comprehend the terror-filled last moments of this woman's life.
Italian authorities say Giovanna Reggiani, 47, died Thursday night. The wife of an Italian naval commander, she was attacked late Tuesday in Rome as she walked along a road toward the barracks where she lived. Police say she was beaten, dragged through mud and left half naked in a ditch.

Police arrested Romanian Nicolae Mailat, 24, and charged him with the crime.

Mailat lives in one of several sprawling settlements on the outskirts of Rome where thousands of foreigners - some legal and some not - live in make-shift shelters or trailers.
The politicians were practically accessories to this crime.

Everybody knew this was a problem... but because of "the politically correct optics" of cracking down on these foreigners, absolutely nothing was done.
Romanians have been accused of committing 76 murders since June last year. Rome Mayor Walter Veltroni says 75 percent of arrests for murder, rape and robbery in the city this year are attributed to Romanians.

UPDATE: Government AND angry mobs... jump in
-- ROME -- Milan began deporting Romanians with criminal records, authorities said, after a wave of violent crime blamed on swelling numbers of immigrants from one of the European Union's newest and poorest members.

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