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10 November 2007

Hey China...

Like a wise man once sang... "You can't always get what you want."
CBC plans to air a slightly reworked documentary on the Falun Gong on Nov. 20, ending a rift that forced the film's prime-time English debut to be abruptly cancelled this past week.

Beyond the Red Wall will explore allegations of torture, labour camps and executions of Falun Gong members in China, but clarify sources it uses to delve into allegations that China harvests organs from dead prisoners.

The documentary will also fine tune the way it portrays protesters who burned themselves alive in Tiananmen Square, self-immolations that Beijing and the Falun Gong accuse each other of perpetrating.
The fact is, by intervening and creating a media shitstorm, the Chinese government actually ensured that the audience for this film will be significantly larger.
The film's director said that, in the end, everything worked out for the best. “Of course, I'm pleased the attention paid will mean far more Canadians will learn about the persecution of the Falun Gong,” Mr. Rowe said.
Make sure you tune in.


"It would take an intervention by the Chinese government to get someone to watch the CBC."

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