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20 November 2007

Even people from other countries...

Are trying to figure out what Steffi's pullin' here...
A top German justice official says he expects his country will find a way for Karlheinz Schreiber to testify at a public inquiry in Canada — even if he is extradited to Germany before then.

Reinhard Nemetz, who heads the regional court where Mr. Schreiber faces criminal charges, says it's up to the federal justice departments in both countries to work something out, but he doesn't think there would be any problems.
See... the Germans know all about Schreiber's very calculated stalling tactics... they've been trying to get their mitts on him since the last millenium. So when Dion and company get on the "save poor Karl" bandwagon... they don't know what to make of it.
Mr. Nemetz said Mr. Schreiber's latest argument is just another example of his “salami tactics.” “He always ends up slicing off another thin excuse when he needs it, so the salami never runs out, and it's another whole debate as to whether there's any truthful taste to it.”

Mr. Nemetz says German authorities are frustrated that Canada's justice system has allowed Mr. Schreiber to avoid extradition for more than eight years. “I just can't understand why this is taking so long,” he said.
Well, Mr. Nemetz... you could just come out and ask Steffi and his fiberal friends what they're trying to accomplish here.

Of course... trying to stick a thumb in Stephen Harper's eye... isn't going to be a very satisfying answer.

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