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15 November 2007

Dion suffers severe whiplash...

Pulling 180 degree turn on veiled voters.
-- OTTAWA -- Liberals have lost their enthusiasm for forcing veiled Muslim women to show their faces if they want to vote in federal elections.

Some Grit MPs now admit the party was wrong to jump on the bandwagon two months ago, joining the three other federal parties in demanding that Elections Canada insist all voters uncover their faces.

At the time, the parties were contesting three crucial by-elections in Quebec, where the issue of veiled voters was part of a heated debate over how far the province should go in accommodating immigrants.
You've gotta love the elasticity of conscience here... turns out Steffi is more flexible than Paris Hilton on girls night out.
Liberal Leader Stephane Dion was among those who initially urged Elections Canada to revisit its decision not to compel byelection voters to show their faces.

"It's important to identify the person. It may be done in a very respectful way but it must be done," he said at the time.

But now that the Tory government has introduced legislation to require precisely that, Dion is hinting that Liberals won't support it.

In a brief interview Thursday, Dion said cryptically that his party "thinks that the bill misses its target."
Geez, Stef... do you actually believe in anything?

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