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18 November 2007

Canadian troopers...

Shake off a hard punch... and proceed to kick some serious Talibutt.
-- Reuters -- Canadian and Afghan troops pushed into a Taliban heartland in southern Afghanistan, fought off fierce counter-attacks and fortified an outpost on Sunday to stay in the area.
If the Islamotards thought their cowardly boobytrap that killed two Canadian soldiers was gonna slow things up... they obviously learned differently right here.
An Afghan Defence Ministry spokesman said at least 12 Taliban fighters were killed and another 15 wounded in the fighting for control of the Sangisar district, where fugitive Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar once lived and preached at a local mosque.
So, Timmy... where is your god now?


RELATED: Hey Jack... negotiate this
-- KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- Five policemen were tortured then executed by Taliban militants in a warning to others not to work with Afghanistan's central government, officials said.

The officers had been abducted two months ago from their checkpoint in southern Afghanistan's Uruzgan province, said Juma Gul Himat, the provincial police chief. The Taliban slashed their hands and legs and hung the bodies on trees Saturday in Gazak village of Derawud district, he said.

"The Taliban told the people that whoever works with the government will suffer the same fate as these policemen," Himat said.