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05 November 2007

Aunt's appeal to "the community"...

Absolutely guaranteed to bring swift results.
-- TORONTO -- The grieving aunt of murder victim David Latchana yesterday begged anyone with information about her nephew's assassination to tell what they know to police.
In a display of touching naivety about the world her nephew chose to inhabit, Ms. Latchana went on to say...
"People have to step forward -- it could have been anyone."
Well.. anybody hangin' at a notorious "crackhouse slash boozecan" at 4 in the morning, I guess.


UPDATE: Another "root causes" murderer

Investigators issued a first-degree murder warrant today for the arrest of Jason Hay, 19, of no fixed address. Police are urging Hay to surrender.

RELATED: Speaking of unbelievable naivety
Another member of the group accused of plotting to attack government-related buildings in Ontario has been granted bail — and had the most serious charge against him dropped.

Abdul Qayyum Jamal, 43, is scheduled to be released from jail sometime Monday. He is the third defendant to be granted bail in this case.

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