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08 November 2007

Architect of Doom

Despite all the yipyap about David Latchana wanting to be an architect... it turns out this guy wasn't headed anywhere... but up in smoke.
-- MALTON -- A young man mourned at his funeral yesterday for close family ties was a member of the Crips street gang, Peel Regional police told reporters later.

Homicide officers said two men accused in the Saturday execution-style death of David Latchana, 23, were also members of the same gang.
Apparently though, even being a murdered gangbanger... isn't enough to turn off the delusional hero-worship tap.
But at Humberlea Church of God memorial, relatives who closed the service to the media, spoke only of his love for his relatives and as a Pied Piper role model for little nieces and nephews.

"He was like a hero," David Latchana's aunt Allison said before the 90-minute funeral in the Steeles Ave. W. and Hwy 27 area church.

"I have a little girl who wants to be just like him ... there are over 20 kids in the family and they'd follow him everywhere," said the aunt whose nephew used her middle name and called her "Auntie Ann" but she did not want to give her last name.
Holy crap, lady... your little girl wants to be "a gangbanger"?

Everybody's always talking about a lack of role models, in the various "ethnic communities."

It sure sounds like it's more a case, of choosing them "less than wisely."


RELATED: The gang's all here
Peel Police homicide inspector Norm English said today that David Latchana, 23, was "executed" over a dispute among fellow members of the Crips gang when he was shot to death about 3:45 a.m. on Nov. 3.

Jason Hay, 19, and Demar Nigil Duntin, 22, have been charged with first-degree murder in connection with the killing.

LAST WORD: Fighting back in Vancouver

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