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07 November 2007

Another one bites the dust

Maybe Mayor Miller could set up safe "target-shooting" ranges... with on-site paramedics... as a harm reduction measure.
-- TORONTO -- A man in his twenties found shot in the head in a Moss Park apartment building last night dies overnight in hospital. Police did not receive calls about gunshots being fired and no witnesses have come forward.

"It's the ghetto, basically," she said. "I see lots of drug activity."

She said she doesn't fear for her safety on a day-to-day basis – but she didn't want to be identified. "I'm smart enough to know that if my name is published I'd have reason to be afraid."

RELATED: Funny, there's never a taser around...

When you need one.
Three officers approached Christopher-Reid near a bridge, according to a report by the province's Special Investigations Unit.

He then moved toward the officers, who raised their guns and ordered Christopher-Reid to drop the knife, the report states.

He refused, continued to approach them, and all three fired at close range, less than 3 metres.

The victim's mother, Jacqueline Christopher, told the inquest on Monday that her son, a 26-year-old black man, would not have been killed if he were white.
Hmmm... a mental patient menacing people in public with a large knife... yes, this is clearly a case of racism.

Thank you, once again, Toronto Star.

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