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12 October 2007

There is absolutely no truth...

To the rumour... that Stephane Dion is thinking about renaming his dog Hiroshima...
Liberal MP David McGuinty told CTV Newsnet Thursday that the Conservatives are "playing games" with next week's throne speech.

The comments follow a Canadian Press report that the Tories have drafted a throne speech that could force the Liberal Party to abandon its support for the Kyoto Accord or call an election.
Hmmmm... if you're trying to make a point about taking the "political high road", I'm not sure using anyone with the name McGuinty as your point man... is such a smart move.
CP says that Prime Minister Stephen Harper believes the Liberals are so desperate not to go to the polls they would rather accept a throne speech that states Kyoto targets can't be met rather than trigger a election. The throne speech is a confidence motion that would force an election if voted down.
This should be interesting.

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