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07 October 2007

Sweet Nothings

Premier McSlippery tries to schmooze the Toronto Sun...
It would have been better if Dalton brought his wife, Terri. We would have preferred talking to her than the buttery-smooth politician, who spent an hour bobbing and weaving around our questions.

Instead, we talked kindergarten. It's what you do when you have a toddler and your breakfast guest is sitting at your dining room table promising full-day kindergarten by 2011, when the boy would be in SK.
The trouble is, like so much of what McGuinty has been peddling these last four years... this conversation should have been prefaced, "Once upon a time..."
But what is a McGuinty promise really worth? "This is a specific commitment, $500 million," McGuinty said, adding that's $500 million more than the other parties have committed.

In 2004, the McGuinty Liberals promised all of the province's kids would be in full-day kindergarten by 2007.


RELATED: Making sure our kids are safe...

Well, maybe not all of them...
Hours after Nihal Badhanage buried his eldest son yesterday, Peel Region police announced they had charged four men in connection with the 16-year-old's murder.

Three men, one of whom is already in jail on an unrelated matter, have been charged with first-degree murder. A fourth was charged with obstruction of justice.

Jamal Johnson, 19, of Brampton, Omari White, 18, and another male already in jail for an unrelated matter are charged with first-degree murder.

Justin Jack, 22, was charged with obstructing police.
The Fiberal Party of Ontario... failing us on so many levels.

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