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26 October 2007

Sorbara Surprise

Liberal Finance Minister bails on McSlippery cabinet...
Governments don't like surprises, nor do they generally like to foist surprises on voters.

When there is a surprise announcement, there is usually a good political story behind it.

And there must be an intriguing story to be told around this afternoon's news that Ontario Finance Minister, Greg Sorbara, has decided to take a pass not only on remaining finance minister, but also on sitting in Premier Dalton McGuinty's cabinet.

RELATED: John Tory weighs in
“I think the average IQ around that cabinet table just crashed with his departure, and I’m concerned about that for the sake of the province,” said Tory.

“I just wish he’d announced he was leaving before the election. I think people would have taken a different look at the McGuinty government without the brains of the operation being there.”

Sorbara was considered to be McGuinty’s right-hand man and he has been credited with steering the party to victory in the 2003 and 2007 campaigns.

RELATED: In other Sorbara news
Two Ontario companies are suing a York region hospital alleging that plans for a proposed urgent health care centre dissolved after former Ontario finance minister Greg Sorbara used his political influence to redirect the proposal.

The plaintiffs further allege that Mr. Sorbara interfered so that the hospital would be moved to a property owned by a company to which he allegedly has ties.

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