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29 October 2007

Raising taxes in the GTA...

To pay for the ever expanding welfare state...
Almost 10 years after the fact, Okolo, now a single mother with three young girls aged 2, 5 and 6, is slowly losing hope. She's one of 13,500 families – more than 30,000 people – in Peel Region's affordable housing queue. The wait, probably one of the longest in the province, is 21 years for two- and three-bedroom units.
And here's why David Miller... despite his land transfer and automobile tax grabs... is still gonna be hundreds of millions of dollars behind the eight ball.
In Toronto, more than 67,000 people are on a waiting list for housing. The average wait time for a one-bedroom unit in the city is five to seven years, while a 10-to-12 year wait is more common for units with three or more bedrooms.
Yeah... let's take a few billion more taxpayer dollars... and build another slew of welfare ghettos like Regent Park and Driftwood Ave... because that just worked out so magnificently.

This is why I left Toronto.

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