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17 October 2007

Not to worry Stephane...

Garth will be right there with you... to pick up all the pieces...
"I am sure Mr. Dion’s strategists tonight are telling him to swerve around this speech, absorb some slaps, bite his tongue and buy time to gas the campaign machine."

"Wise advice, I’m sure."

"I’m equally sure Mr. Dion’s heart and gut tell him to do the principled and brave thing, to stand up against a bully, defend those who have been betrayed and deceived and fight for the Canada he believes in. He may be behind. He may be bruised. He may be in the company of doubters."

"But he is not one of them."
Now think back to high school...

You remember that drunken voice inside your head that seductively whispered, "Sure it looks like a really long way... from the roof to the swimming pool... but you know you can do it."

Well... that's Garth Turner.


UPDATE: So Garth... you weren't even close
“The speech is so vague, so full of holes, raises so many concerns, that it warrants little faith,” Mr. Dion told Parliament as he opened debate on the response to the Throne Speech.
Hey Steffi, you raging bull... let's not get crazy.


LAST WORD: Let's face it...

Your own guys are laughing their asses off... it's over.
Dion persisted without acknowledging his opponents, who by this time were gobsmacked by a case of the mass giggles.

It was so widespread at one point that even Michael Ignatieff – the Liberals' deputy leader who sits right next to Dion – cupped his face to stifle a laugh.

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