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05 October 2007

Latest third world fad...

Highlights desperate conditions in Hollywood communities.
-- LOS ANGELES -- A Malawi couple has completed adoption paperwork for Sean Preston Federline, 2, and Jayden James Federline, 1, after their mother, Britney Spears, lost custody of the children Monday.

Nearly 27 percent of the children in Los Angeles suffer the misfortune of having celebrity parents. Mr. and Mrs. M were stunned by the deplorable conditions these victims live in.

It was the widely circulated photograph of Ms. Spears' vagina that really drew their concern. "In our country, a good mother does not show her business to the press," Mrs. M said.

"It is very bad luck."
Thank goodness this generous couple were willing to open up their hut to these unfortunate celebrity waifs.
Children are subject to verbal abuse via cell phone, and babies are dangled over balcony railings. "Fathers kill mothers, and then put out badly written books about it," Mr. M said.

The children's father, Kevin Federline, said, "I am the father of Sean Preston and Jayden James, who have been adopted. I am very happy because, as you can see, there is spiritual poverty in this village, and I know they will be very well looked after in Malawi.

Peace out!"

RELATED: Will no one hear our cries?
Residents of a gay retirement community in America are worried the special ambiance of their “private oasis” could be ruined by an influx of straight people.

A glut of empty properties is prompting fears the community’s composition, which is currently 80 per cent gay, could alter dramatically.
Oh, the humanity.