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19 October 2007

Just can't get enough of your love

That "Will of Allah" thing... that just never gets old, huh?
-- PAKISTAN -- More than 120 136 people have been killed after two bombs exploded among crowds in Karachi celebrating the return of the former Pakistani PM Benazir Bhutto.
It's like every single problem in the Islamic world... is a nail sticking up from the surface... just begging to be hammered back down.

Why talk... when killing is so much more, well... economical?


UPDATE: The totally anticipated consequences...
On the eve of Ms. Bhutto's arrival, a provincial government official had cited intelligence reports that three suicide bombers linked to Mr. Mehsud were in Karachi. The local government had also warned Ms. Bhutto could be targeted by Taliban or al-Qaeda.

Earlier this month, local media reports quoted Mr. Mehsud — probably the most prominent leader of Islamic militants destabilizing its northwestern border regions near Afghanistan — as vowing to greet Ms. Bhutto's return to Pakistan with suicide attacks.

LAST WORD: Pay me now, or pay me later
In his first major speech since leaving office, Mr Blair again defended the decision to go to war in Iraq.

He urged continued vigilance by the United States, Britain and their allies in combating the threat of extremism.

Mr Blair - now an envoy for the Middle East Quartet - warned against being "forced into retreat" as the world faced a situation similar to "rising fascism in the 1920s".

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