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12 October 2007

Insane with rage

The Federal Liberal Party continues to devour it's young.
-- OTTAWA -- The Prime Minister's appointment of Mr. Manley as head of a five-member group on Canada's future role in the war-torn country beyond February of 2009 prompted deep anger among Mr. Manley's fellow Liberals.

"What gives, John?" one of his former advisers asked. "This was one area of weakness of the Conservatives. And he's just thrown Stephen Harper a lifeline in the form of himself."

One e-mail circulating among the party said simply, "Et tu Manley?"

RELATED: Germany steps up... extends Afghan mission
The lower house of Parliament voted for the extension of the military mandate by a convincing 453 to 79, with 48 members abstaining. The vote allows the German military to keep as many as 3,500 troops and six Tornado reconnaissance jets in Afghanistan, part of a larger NATO force of roughly 41,000 in the country.

The proposal was expected to pass, but the sizable margin of victory was a powerful signal both domestically and to the United States and other NATO allies of the government’s ability to sustain the Afghan mission even in the face of strong opposition.

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