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07 October 2007

If this is the high road...

I'd sure hate to see what Premier McSlippery considers playing dirty...
Premier Dalton McGuinty insists he's running a "positive" election campaign.

The Premier says "I was raised to find a way to be positive and if you take a look at the kind of campaign we ran in 1999 and 2003 and what I'm running on today in 2007, I think Ontarians are entitled to see a positive plan in front of them."
So, that must have been some other Dalton McGuinty... who said, "faith-based schools are segregationist" and would "harm social cohesion", right?

Well... all except the schools in the fully-funded Catholic system... where Dalton's wife teaches and his kids go to school.

Didn't McSlippery graduate from a faith-based school himself? This guy doesn't know what truth is anymore.

Friends don't let friends vote Liberal.


RELATED: McGuinty's right... screw foreign heretics
Out of the 53,000 students attending privately funded faith-based schools in Ontario, an estimated 35,000 are Protestant Christians.
(via jbug)

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