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02 October 2007

Honestly, honey...

I was looking for a car wash...
Men caught trawling Ottawa's streets for prostitutes will soon have a letter sent to their home by police telling them to stay out of those neighbourhoods while warning of the dangers of the sex trade.

Starting next week, Ottawa police will send a "community safety letter" that includes the time, date and location the recipient was observed by police officers in areas known to be frequented by prostitutes.
Another exercise in "harm reduction" production.


UPDATE: A little clarification...

I just realised that I may have given the impression that I am opposed to the police sending these letters. The fact is, I actually see them as a public service.

If some scummer comes home, in this day and age, and infects his wife with HIV/AIDS, he should be charged with aggravated assault, and if she dies... negligent homicide.

That said, if his wife has received one of these letters and she doesn't beat him about the head and shoulders and toss him out on the street, she should be charged with "terminal stupidity."

That's what I meant, in this case, by harm production.