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23 October 2007

Calling Big Brother

In today's geeky, gadget filled world... you can run, but good luck with that hiding thing.
For teenagers and 20-somethings, who are fond of sharing their comings and goings on the Internet, youth-oriented services like Loopt and Buddy Beacon are a natural next step.

Sam Altman, the 22-year-old co-founder of Loopt, said he came up with the idea in early 2005 when he walked out of a lecture hall at Stanford.

“Two hundred students all pulled out their cellphones, called someone and said, ‘Where are you?’ ” he said. “People want to connect.”

If G.P.S. made it harder to get lost, new cellphone services are now making it harder to hide.
And yeah... I disabled GPS on my phone, shortly after I got it.