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02 September 2007

A wise and noble people...

Were nowhere to be seen...
More than 200 native and nonnative people shouted down a sheriff who was delivering a court order that called for the immediate removal of a blockade at a proposed uranium mine north of Sharbot Lake.

Yesterday, two sheriffs, escorted by Ontario Provincial Police, were met on the road outside the mine by Ardoch and Shabot Obaadjiwan First Nations warriors who would not allow the court officers on the property.
Once again, it's the inarticulate, nonsensicle voice of the cult of personal victimization. You'd get more coherent communication from a boxcar load of starving, tormented chimps.
Shabot Obaadjiwan war chief Earl Badour, who oversees the security of the protesters at the site, said he met the officers with a group of about 24 warriors.

"I said to them we were not speaking," said Badour.

Badour then signalled for the native flag to be turned upside down as a symbolic gesture that "all natives are in distress."
And then he held his breath until he turned blue.

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