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23 September 2007

This time... I'm not lying

Dalton McGuinty makes another promise.
Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty, whose 2003 campaign promise not to raise taxes dogs his Oct. 10 re-election bid, said Ontarians should read his lips.

"We will not have to raise taxes, because we're in charge. We know exactly where we are," he said yesterday on Global's Focus Ontario.
So Dalton, what you're saying is, after all the lies you've peddled to us over the last four years... you've decided to turn over a new leaf?
Until yesterday, McGuinty has tried to avoid saying "we will not have to raise taxes," instead answering reporters' questions with simple "yes" or "no" responses less likely to be used on television.

That's because he and his handlers worry it would spur TV newscasts to air the clip then re-broadcast the infamous 2003 campaign commercial, where he promised: "I won't raise your taxes and I won't cut them either."
Fool me twice... shame on me.

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