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02 September 2007

They Stand on Guard for Thee

Speaking as someone who has, in the past, actually possessed a concealed carry (no, of course, not Canadian) permit... arming our border guards was long overdue...
The first armed Canadian border guards have only been carrying guns since late July, but already a British Columbia officer has pulled the 9-mm pistol.

"Someone came across the border with a number of automatic weapons in his trunk. He also had a firearm on his person. There was also a balaclava found in his trunk," said George Scott, Pacific vice-president of the Customs Excise Union.

One officer drew his weapon while other handcuffed the person crossing the border.
I'm sure our rabidly progressive brethren over at Liblogs and Rabble would disagree... but to my mind, this is a marked improvement over Canadian Customs Officers turning tail and running away at the first hint of trouble.
In January 2006, dozens of unarmed Canadian guards walked off the job at the Peace Arch crossing south of Vancouver after they heard that heavily armed men were heading their way from the U.S.
Once again, thank you, Stephen Harper.

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