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05 September 2007

Sweden, bastion of social democracy...

Gets a lovin' spoonful of modern Islamic medicine.
-- STOCKHOLM, Sweden -- A Muslim woman could face charges after admitting that she sent death threats to a Swedish artist who made a series of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad as a dog, police said Wednesday.

The woman, who was not named, admitted under questioning that she had threatened Lars Vilks in telephone calls and e-mails, said Hakan Lund, a police spokesman in Helsingborg, southern Sweden.
Sounds like ol' Lars has a target on his back now. You figure he's getting much sleep this week?
"She threatened him with death. She didn't say she would do it herself, but that she's encouraging like-minded people to do so," Lund said.

Vilks told Swedish news agency TT that the woman said he would be "slaughtered," and that she had "brothers in al-Qaida." Vilks did not answer phones calls seeking comment Wednesday.
The smart money says this guy packs up his bags and moves far away from Helsingborg and, at minimum, gets an "unlisted" lifestyle.

So, in a way, this Islamo-stalkeress actually wins... and that's all it takes to get the "Crazy Train" rolling.

That'd be "unarmed and still dangerous."

Take a minute and think about that.

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