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20 September 2007

Straight from the 'grassy knoll'

Is there any crazy shit from decades past that can't be woven into a conspiracy theory and laid at the feet of evil, racist anglo society?
'An Inuit "truth commission" is investigating long-standing accusations that Mounties slaughtered sled dogs in the 1950s and 1960s to force their owners to give up their traditional lifestyle, officials said yesterday.'
Let's make sure we get PETA involved here too.


Back in the real world
During this election, I thought that the Conservatives would be able to nail Caledonia right into McGuinty’s forehead. However, John Tory is not hammering on this issue for fear of hitting himself on the Ipperwash thumb.

Without John Tory forcing this issue, the media is not forced to cover it, and in fact, is content not to.
It's the "crazy" wheel that gets the grease.

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