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12 September 2007

Racist Coast Guard interferes with...

Traditional machine-gunning of the whales...
A whale has died after being harpooned and shot with a machine-gun by aboriginal hunters near Vancouver Island, a U.S. Coast Guard official said Sunday.

Petty Officer Kelly Parker said five people, believed to be members of the Makah band based in Neah Bay in Washington State, killed the California grey whale on Saturday.

Parker said the hunt took place in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, near Washington's western tip.
Hey, there's nothing here a little sweetgrass won't fix, right?
"The five individuals involved were picked up by police but no charges have been laid," said Parker.

The Makah band has treaty rights to kill whales for traditional, sustenance purposes.

However, the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) said the use of a machine-gun may not qualify.
Say, that machine gun... that just happened to be sitting around in a dusty ol' corner of somebody's sweat lodge?

And hey, whatever happened to fishing with dynamite? There's the real "Sport of Kings."

You guys got any more surprises for us?

(h/t reader "justfrank")

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