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01 September 2007

Pop Quiz - name that group

There's always something brewing in the Republic of Moonbattia...
“If you're a journalist you are meeting different people,” she said. “You're learning things you didn't know. You're hearing things that you hadn't expected to hear that your life previously hadn't exposed you to.”

“And if you can just ignore all of that, you're a different person than I am.”

So she quit her city column at the newspaper and joined a prostitute support group in Victoria.
No... not the Liberal Party.

Good guess though.


UPDATE: Maybe something in the water?

What did your kids learn at school today?
"Heterosexism is prejudice against homosexuals on the assumption that heterosexuality is the norm."

"Speciesism is used primarily by animal activists to describe the exploitation of animals by humans who consider themselves superior."

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